I’ll let Paul go back and talk about the days in between if he wants to. I’m going to keep jumping ahead.

We arrived on the ferry in Digby, Nova Scotia, and first had to find a charging station. Once the car was filled, we looked to fill our bellies with the famous scallops for which Digby is known. We were not disappointed by the small establishment we found along the wharf. We managed to get the last of their scallops lightly pan fried and delicious accompanied by chips (fries) and coleslaw.

As it was now heading towards the evening, we decided to look for camping along Digby Neck and explore the unique topography of this small spit of land that is an extension of the Appalachian mountains. The views were beautiful both over St. Mary’s Bay and the Bay of Fundy. I was hoping for a camping spot to watch the sunset over the bay of Fundy.

We turned off at Whale Cove to look for the one campground noted on the tourist map. Not finding it, we stopped to ask a local who peered us through his fence. To our good fortune Stanley became a fast friend, though he told us the campground had closed he owned the land up to the bayfront water and said we were welcome to park there and stay for the night. He gave us a tour of some of his personal projects, including a beautiful overlook of the bay. He introduced us to his pets and told us stories of having lived in the village since he was born.

We parked our car down near the water with a full beautiful view of the sunset. And to my delight, this was no ordinary sunset, but hours of a pink and blue tinged sky as the sun sank over the horizon and continued to illuminate the clouds until nearly 11 PM. The self inflating foam mattress we purchased for the back of the Tesla has proven to be a great idea. We shift our belongings to the front seat – nicely packed in bins for easy stacking – spread out the mattress with our sleeping bags and pillows from home, set the camping mode and enjoy mosquito free, perfect temperature and very comfortable night’s sleep with views of the sky, the bay and our other surroundings.

The next morning we took a short walk along the waterfront then headed out to find coffee and to see Balancing Rock on Long Island south of Digby Neck. We arrived at the ferry stop then did a few calculations to realize we couldn’t do that and make it to Chester by early evening. So we turned around knowing we would find many other natural wonders along our way. We took the scenic route along the shore and enjoyed the view.

Driving an electric vehicle still takes more planning than a gas powered one. Though there are multiple charging stations throughout Nova Scotia. They are not as fast as the Tesla superchargers we are accustomed to and to our surprise we were not the only ones looking for a high-speed charge. At one stop, we actually had to wait when we arrived at our planned charging spot. Charging takes an hour even at a DC fast charger which is enough time to go for a walk, but they’re usually located in a city area not very friendly to walking so instead we keep planning the trip and seeking advice from locals.

I seem to have caught a cold that has left me with less energy than usual. Yes, I have tested multiple times now for Covid each time showing negative even though there have been reported cases from the conference so I’m being extra cautious by wearing my mask and staying away from people I don’t know and can’t give full warning to, so I didn’t mind having one day of driving where I could easily doze in the car as we headed to meet a new friend in Chester.

– Mindy

First view of Nova Scotia from the ferry
Sunset over the Bay of Fundy
Paul’s catch, Stan’s lookout above, Redd-y in our camping spot
Breakfast from a roadside stand