The day beings with my highly anticipated massage to deal with my super tight, stiff neck which had me moving carefully and wondering if I would be able to be an active camper. Rob set me up with Ashley, a wonderfully strong and knowledgeable therapist who had worked with many kyphotic neck issues. An hour later my mobility much improved, I was so happy I wanted to take Ashley along with us.
So instead, I took her phone. Opps, they were both black and I was excited to meet Mindy to head for Canmore with a bunch of Ashley’s recommendations. Mindy, back from charging Redd-Y came in to chat with my new shero and Matt the GM of “All for One” the power lifter shop in Calgary .who has qualified for the Powerlifter Championships in Tennessee with a deadlift of 335 kg (that’s over 700 lbs for you non-metric types.)
Driving to Canmore, where the ‘88 Olympic Nordic Center is located was so reminiscent of all my mountain adventures with my son in the 90s and early 2000s. Witnessing their power and magnificence reminds me of our role as guardians of this place we call home.
Then the phone rings in my pocket, wait that’s not my ring. (And Mindy says – that’s not your phone, yours is right there on the charger!) It’s Ashley calling from Matt’s phone to locate her phone. We chat with Ashley and she graciously offers to meet us in Canmore saying “I need a Canmore break.” We spent an hour at the Nordic Center, a bit like what the Birkie has in mind for the new Telemark Village I think, took a Birkie swag shot for social media, then head in to meet Ashley in town.
We gave her a Cool Planet disc and another hug and she headed off to find a copy of a Jules Verne classic at her fav Canmore bookstore.
We stopped for Earth Waterand headed for Banff National Park and a gazillion tourists. Used our new squeegee to make the windshield “photo clear” and choose Lake Louise as our one stop before the 4 hour drive on the Icefield Parkway to Jasper.
Lake Louise was more amazing that I had envisioned from what I’d heard. Spectacular steel gray glacial melt water with stunning mountain walls. Lots of tourists sitting, paddling, hiking and nary a word of English did we hear. The Canadian Parks are an international hotbed.
The rest of the Icefield Parkway trip was filled with spellbinding views….reminded us of New Zealand. Ancient glaciers in rapid retreat with rising temps. The Canadian Parks are pushing climate literacy in many good ways (even in the outhouses…see photo)
Another long day ended arriving at Whistler campground in Jasper ay 10 pm with plenty on light left at the end of this Solstice week. We set up our tent and looked forward to a slower, organize the car morning with a shower in this 500 plus mega campsite with bathrooms like a 4 star hotel.
Canada is earning its stars.
– Paul
This is so fun reading about your two’s grand adventures! Banff and Jasper are as spell-binding (beautiful word choice) of places I’ve ever visited as well and I’m so glad you have the time to enjoy these landscapes and reflect for all of us on the climate connections!