The next chapter in our life together

HEADING HOME- rewind the road trip – Day 26

Spent the morning connecting with Michele and hearing about her weekend wedding with George the brand new reverend.

They made our entire journey more stress free with equipment, food, ideas and moral support. Having friends through our climate and frisbee networks makes all the difference!  Big thanks  to George Donart and Michele Champion and their kitty Patches!!

A quick stop at the Alaska Public Lands Office to pick up two more books in downtown Anchorage.

Then a stop at Alaska Ice to get a block of ice for our cooler as we head south to warmer climes. (Shout out to Lilu who we met in the parking lot who told us how much he loves driving for Alaska Ice and what a great company it is to work for.)

The backtrack trip begins with a return to Chugiak and our 4th time charging at the Three Bears store Tesla Supercharger.

This time with 3 Tesla’s for the first time.

EVs are on the way and our hope is that this blog will help accelerate the change.

A stop at Three Bears for car food and then to Mat Valley Meats for some homemade reindeer, elk and grass fed beef jerky to bring home for family. Hi Donald and thanks for the storage tips and info on your local delicacies.

The rain started and continued for most of the trip and Paul saw most of the journey for the first time cuz he was zonked out three weeks ago heading to Palmer.

Visited the Matanuska Glacier in a rain storm and decided not to hike on the glacier and kept driving toward Glenallen with long forest and  landscape views.

Charged at the Subway “Recharge Alaska” station and found an RV site with tent camping for our last night on our Alaska Oddesey

The sun came out and we have a prediction for a lovely day tomorrow for a short visit to Wrangle St Elias, the largest the possibly the least visited NP in the US This massive park , nearly twice the size for Denali is almost entirely wilderness and requires air flights to visit most of the park.

Dreams of real adventures from our 49th state and more.



  1. Mark Ritchie

    Inspiring to read this every day. I drove the ALCAN 50 years ago to be part of a team recruited from the lower 48 to teaching swimming – it was an early climate change story that included many children drowning as the permafrost melted. I have been back once and want to go back to visit Bethel, the town where I worked, once again. Your blog makes me want to drive it again in our EV. Maybe not in the older LEAF but perhaps in our newer Volvo.

  2. Craig

    What a trip you two!!! Will be wonderful to have you home to hear and see all about this great adventure…

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