The next chapter in our life together

Stats from the Alaska trip

We’re about to strike out on our next EVenture and realized we might want to close off the last one first….

In case we left you wondering, we did make it home on our final day with stops to visit friends along the way – Jeanne in Alexandria for breakfast  and Lee and Vicki in Annandale for lunch.  We arrived home in the early evening well fed and happy to see Pickles again – I think he missed us too or maybe he just wondered who was going to feed him.

Here’s a map with all of our charging stops along the way


  1. Mark Ritchie

    I drove to Alaska in 1972 to teach swimming out near the Bearing Sea. Why? Because of climate change. It makes me very happy to see electric cars everywhere!

    In 1972, the Campfire Girls in Alaska responded to an early climate crisis. The planet was already warming and this was beginning to melt previously frozen permafrost. This water rose to the surface of the tundra and created small ponds that were “attractive” to children who had no prior experience in water or swimming lessons. So many drowned a health emergency was declared. The Campfire Girls hired a group of people from the lower 48 states who had red cross swimming instructor certificates. I was in the very first crew.

    • cpadmin

      thanks Mark, powerful story…thanks for following our adventure.

  2. Craig

    Hey you two!!! thanks for keeping us all posted on your grand adventure

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