This driving Marathon we are on makes it hard to enjoy the places we are cruising thru. Fort St John has a ton of history and fascinating attractions. Yesterday it also had a ton of smoke from the wildfires so we opted to stay at Microtel with their level 2 Tesla charger.
The drive to Fort Nelson was dramatic for the big sky views and the wildfire damage from past years and current year. Our timing for this trip is fortunate as we think about the raging fires in this area just last month.
Charging was again quite simple and good to see a level 2 charger at a business type hotel. It just required an overnight stay for the 8 hour charge.
Fort Nelson arrival corresponded to Canadian Day preparations. We were the only tent in a sea of super large RVs and smaller camping vehicles. Stayed at Triple G Hideaway and left as the Canada Day parade was about to begin…
Made friends with Troy and Tammy from AZ who had travelled to every state with their RV except Hawaii (and Alaska, but that was about to be completed).. Finally pulled out the discs and showed Troy, a beginner disc golfer, how to throw a Forehand with a catch disc.
Nice site on grass with a level 2 charger from evocharge which filled up Redd-Y for the long drive to Watson Lake and our arrival to Yukon. Again required an overnight stay for the 8-hour charge, but it was a pleasant place to be with good company.
The drive is beginning to take its toll on our bodies and attitudes despite the majestic surroundings.
Just think we get to do this all over on the way back.
– Paul
What an amazing time to be where you are watching so intimately the effects of climate change on the North American wilderness. Meanwhile, we continue to see the orange sunrises here at Bde Maka Ska… Cary walked with us Saturday and will again this coming week. he came over yesterday to to see the garden.